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Asset Integrity Inspection

Focus NDT performs AIM North America wide in industries like Oil and Gas, Mining, and Pulp and Paper. We specialize in asset integrity inspections for Tanks and Vessels.

CML (Condition Monitoring Locations)

These are designated locations on piping or pressure vessels where thickness monitoring is conducted.

Corrosion Detection and Monitoring

Corrosion detection and monitoring is one of the most critical NDT services for saving costs. Focus NDT has the experience to establish the necessary detection and monitoring programs that can save you money.

Corrosion Mapping

Corrosion monitoring is critical in detecting early warning signs of damage and degradation of metallic structures and components. It is regularly used on tanks, pressure vessels, and pipes.

Drone Inspections

Remote video inspections are one of the most cost-effective methods for performing many visual inspection tasks.

Eddy Current Testing (ET)

Eddy Current Testing (ET) and Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) are NDT methods that enable in-service inspections to identify areas of concern through coatings, fireproofing, weather jackets, concrete, and insulation with little to no surface preparation achieving 100% inspection of the wall thickness.

Fitness For Service (API-579)

Fitness for service assessment techniques are applied to evaluate the structural and equipment mechanical Integrity. The results include an estimate of remaining life.

Guided Wave

Guided wave ultrasonic tests are performed on long sections of tube or pipe, using a single device.

Hardness Testing

Hardness testing is used to determine the material's strength by measuring penetration resistance.


One of the key components of industrial facilities is proper insulation. When that insulation is on equipment or pipes that are in high locations and hard to reach areas, certified rope inspectors with insulation training needs to be used.

Internal Rotary Inspection System

Internal rotary inspections are performed inside pipes and tubes. A probe is pulled through the tube while the tube is filled with a water couplant.

Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)

Liquid penetrant testing is a simple and low-cost method for detecting surface flaws. These flaws include laps, porosity, cracks, pits, and other indications.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is a non-destructive testing method that uses magnetism to detect surface and subsurface flaws in metal. The types of metal that MPI works best on are ferrous including include nickel, iron, steel, cobalt, and alloys.

Material Testing and Analysys

Materials testing finds the measurement, characteristics and behavior of various components and parts.

NACE Coating Inspection

Our certified NACE Coating inspectors are able to perform non-destructive and destructive testing of coatings. In the majority of cases, the non-destructive testing methods used can be performed on in service equipment.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

This inspection process reduces inspection time. It uses multiple ultrasonic elements to create a focused scan not found in conventional ultrasonic testing. PAUT can be used on new construction, and on in-service components.

Pipeline (API-1169)

Pipeline monitoring is done from a master control room, where any changes to regular operation are quickly detected. Remote sensors feed the information to the control room.

Piping Inspection (API-570)

There are several differences between piping and pipeline inspection. Some of the differences are piping diameter, location, piping is indoors while pipeline is typically outdoors, and direct distance as pipelines can be thousands of KMs long.

Positive Material Identification

Positive material identification is conducted to confirm that the material is consistent with the required specifications.

Pressure Vessel Inspection (API-510)

Focus NDT Pressure Vessel Inspection services covers all in-service inspections, repair as well as replacement of parts and gauges. Our certified technicians have a broad knowledge of ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.

Quality Assurance & Control (QA/QC)

Focus NDT’s can provide to clients the full range of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) services by providing guidance to our clients on establishing and managing their QA testing programs.


There are two common forms of Radiography, Gamma and X-Ray. Both need certification and proper material handling safety training.

Remote Field Testing Inspection

Remote Field Tube Inspections use a similar technique to ultrasonic IRIS testing, however it uses magnetic fields instead of sound waves.

Risk Based Inspection (API-580)

In simple terms, risk based inspection answers the question, what are the chances and consequences of failure of equipment due to any form of structural degradation?

Rope Access Services

Certified rope access technicians reach difficult or otherwise inaccessible areas and encompass a wide range of repair, maintenance, and inspection access work.

Spark Holiday Testing

The spark holiday test is used to check for pinholes, voids, discontinuities or “holidays” in surface coatings.

Structural Welding

Professional Structural Welding is a foundational requirement for most industries. Testing, maintenance, and repair of welds needs to be performed regularly.

Tank Floor Scanning (MFL)

Tanks floor scanning provides reliable and economical results.

Tank Inspection (API-653)

Tank inspection personnel provide the broad knowledge base required for tank inspections. We also supervise or perform repair services of aboveground storage tanks and tank floors.


Thermography or thermal imaging, is the detecting and analyzing heat radiation from the surface of objects

Time Of Flight Diffraction

This method is used for in-service welds and components. It sends ultrasonic waves through the material, and based on returning signals, can display, measure, and record, in real time, defects in the material.


When testing is needed for surface and subsurface defects, material thickness measurements, voids and flaws, UT is the go to method.

Ultrasonic Magnetic Crawler For Tank Shell Inspection

The more expensive the tool, the better the results, certainly applies to the Ultrasonic Magnetic Crawler.

Vacuum Box Testing

Vacuum box testing is a technique used to examine welds on pipes, pipelines, and other surfaces for leaks. This non-destructive test applies pressure in the form of a vacuum to the weld, and allows for visual detection of leaks.

Vendor Inspection

The logistics facing modern manufacturing processes makes managing, overseeing and controlling the quality of vendor supply chains a significant challenge.

Video Scope

Remote Visual Inspection devices allow inspectors to observe areas that would normally be inaccessible to visual inspection.  

Visual Inspection

When a component can be seen, visual testing is the first method used in an NDT examination. This is the most common, easiest to perform and low cost NDT method.

Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

Like a recipe for welders, a Welding Procedure Specification, or WPS, are the written documents describing standard welding procedures for a given type of job.

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